Origin Stories — Savvy Word Slinger


writers keep writing

Origin Stories

This month's visual posts are about origin stories. I have been thinking a lot about my origin story and the characters I write about. For this week in March, I have given you two options: Persephone and Eostre, the goddesses of spring. Today, I challenge you to come up with origin stories for one or both of these goddesses you don’t have to know what the internet says about them. Allow your own mind to come up with unlimited possibilities. After you have finished writing, then you can look them up if you wish.

When using these prompts, allow yourself to explore these photos in your mind. Three random words will be listed below the photos included.

I hope you enjoy this free writing time.

Set your timer for 5, 10, or 15 minutes, and write without stopping. If it feels good, you can handwrite or type it on a computer.




Three words: cower, paradox, trip

Are you stuck, or is nothing coming to mind?

Here are some starts for you to try:

  • When Eostre came to visit me… 

  • There was nothing we could do because she…

  • Flowers were the first thing you saw if you ever…

I hope you have been able to get started with a story today.

Share what your story was about in the comments.