
writers keep writing

Monday's Mug 021

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Hello, Writers of the World.

I always love to be drinking from my mugs daily, but Monday is the day I like to catch you up on what has been happening since we last talked. The weather last week was still hot, but it is still summer here, and I should expect nothing less. Why do I talk about the weather because I am a farmer? If you didn’t know, it always makes it important? Things are dry here, and we are hoping for a little rain. We want to get more hay put up before fall hits, but we don’t control the weather, so we wait and see type of game. 

While we sip from our mugs, I would tell you I am trying to savor this last week before school starts. I have not missed the buzz of the school season. However, I do love to shop the stationery. There is always homework to be done, papers I am trying to remember to send back, and things I am trying to remind my child of. Even though it has been hot this summer, we have been spending time outside, at least an hour, if not longer, hanging out in the swing or the hammock. I feel like it is important to be in the moment when I can.

While we sip from our mugs, I would share with you, and I have been closing myself off this week. My social media project is in full swing, and I am finding it is taking a lot more energy than I had originally thought. I am trying to get into a routine of posting on socials. When there are so many things going on in life, socials are some of the things I let slip.

Would you like to refill your mug? I need more water today.

While we sip from our mugs, I would tell you ideas around mindset have come up again this week. Podcasts and Youtube videos are continuing to cross my path about this. I have been things in particular about the ideas of productivity versus rest, especially this last week. Although I have been taking the time to spend with my child during the week, I don’t allow myself time off on the weekends. Not only are the weekends when I run a lot of errands weekends are typically when I am working on side projects as well. I am doing housework and planning for the following week. I tried an experiment where I did absolutely nothing on Sunday except fed us. It was great and something I felt my body and mind needed, but I was kicking myself Monday because I had so many things to catch up on. Perhaps next time I will no more Saturday. 

While we sip from our mugs, I would share with you, I haven’t been anywhere, and it is driving me crazy this week. Of course, I do not travel like I used to, but I miss it so much. I love living in the country and have learned to sustain myself for weeks on end without leaving. I miss people said the introvert shockingly lol. I miss being around the good friends I have in my life and going to the museum. Okay, I said it finally. Now back to business as usual.  

Until next time just write.